Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I've been Reading

The Book of Qualities by J.Ruth Gendler. This is one book, I wish everyone reads, savors and preserves every word. This small book is an absolute master piece; a comprehensible collection of poetries camouflaged as essay's. (Thanks Robert Sapolsky)

Patience - Patience wears my grandmother's filigree earrings. She bakes marvelous dark bread. She has beautiful hands. She carries great snacks of peace  and purses filled with small treasures. You don't notice her right away in a crowd. But suddenly you see her all at once, and then she is so beautiful you wonder why you never saw her before.

Imagination - When Imagination walks, she writes letters to the earth. When she runs, her feet trace postcards to the sun. And when she dances, she sends love letters to stars.
Some people accuse imagination of being a liar. They don't understand that she has her own ways of uncovering the truth.
She studied journalism in junior high school. It gave her an excuse to leave school early and interview interesting people. She was surprisingly good at writing articles. When in doubt, she just made things up. More recently, Imagination has been working as a fortuneteller in the circus. She has this way of telling your fortune so clearly that you believe her, and then your wishes start come true.
Imagination is studying photography now with an eye to making films. She has no intention of working in one of those factories where they manufacture images that lull us to sleep. Her vision is more complex and very simple. Even with old stories, she wants us to what has never been seen before.

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