Sunday, November 20, 2011

Seven Healthy Sins

Btw., I don't agree with all seven in this list.

Anger can be helpful - for you and for others:

Research published in Psychological Science also found that anger can help prime you to effectively complete unpleasant tasks and compete more forcefully for the things that you need to acquire, such as deeply discounted shoes. Swearing when you stub your toe or staple your finger to your tie alleviates pain by increasing your pain threshold, according to a study in NeuroReport by Richard Stephens at Keele University.

The effect was particularly strong for women. Finally, releasing negative emotions like anger may reduce stress and anxiety that result from bottling up frustration.

Quietly seething over a perceived injustice will increase production of cortisol, a hormone that is related to depression, obesity and suppressed immune function.

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