Sunday, January 29, 2012


Neil deGrasse Tyson made this hilarious remark in a recent talk - "Three quarters of the earth, if I drop you butt-naked, you're dead ten minutes later."

Those lines pretty much sums up the harshness of life on this planet and the man vs wild struggle splendidly captured in this movie. But yet the harshness of this planet shouldn't surprises anyone. The surprising factor has always been despite the savage inside each one of us (including Max and I), how we evolved to become a reasonably passive creatures. We often debate and get lost in Fremi's paradox but we often forget to evaluate the probability of how we make a conscious decision to die and more importantly live for someone else. This brilliant and powerful movie shows the dark side of this planet and in the process exposes that better angles of our nature. Liam Neeson has been getting better with age; this is one of his best movies yet.

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