Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Save Our Sloths

Sloths are one of the least studied mammals. Their survival strategy is camouflage, and as a result we know very little about how they live in the wild. Even the most basic information such as their natural diet and habitat preference still remain a mystery. This lack of knowledge makes the development of conservation strategies difficult.

Over time, we have learned how to treat injured adult sloths, and to date we have successfully reintroduced over 120 animals back into the wild.

Your contribution will also allow us to carry out critical research through the Sloth Backpack Project. This will involve tracking and monitoring the daily activity of wild sloths using specially designed ‘Sloth Backpacks’. These consist of a harness with a VHF radio transmitter, GPS locator and a Daily Diary data logger. This technology basically allows us to see exactly what wild sloths are doing, and where they are doing it. Through the use of these devices, we are aiming to gain a better understanding of the sloths daily behaviour patterns including their diet, habitat preference and reproductive habits. Furthermore, we hope to formulate estimates for important factors such as population densities and ranging patterns.

- If interested please contribute here - Indiegogo Campaign to help Sloths

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