Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wisdom Of The Week

Markov Chain Monte Carlo is a technique to solve the problem of sampling from a complicated distribution. Let me explain by the following imaginary scenario. Say I have a magic box which can estimate probabilities of baby names very well. I can give it a string like “Malcolm” and it will tell me the exact probability p_{\textup{Malcolm}} that you will choose this name for your next child. So there’s a distribution D over all names, it’s very specific to your preferences, and for the sake of argument say this distribution is fixed and you don’t get to tamper with it.

Now comes the problem: I want to efficiently draw a name from this distribution D. This is the problem that Markov Chain Monte Carlo aims to solve. Why is it a problem? Because I have no idea what process you use to pick a name, so I can’t simulate that process myself. Here’s another method you could try: generate a name x uniformly at random, ask the machine for p_x, and then flip a biased coin with probability p_x and use x if the coin lands heads. The problem with this is that there are exponentially many names! The variable here is the number of bits needed to write down a name n = |x|. So either the probabilities p_x will be exponentially small and I’ll be flipping for a very long time to get a single name, or else there will only be a few names with nonzero probability and it will take me exponentially many draws to find them. Inefficiency is the death of me.

So this is a serious problem! Let’s restate it formally just to be clear.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Without all the Bullshit

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