Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wisdom Of The Week

I never thought I would see this happening in China in my lifetime - Chinese Dog Killers Attacked By Angry Mob For Nine Hours:

Vigilante justice occurred in a Chinese village when villagers sought revenge after two men stole and killed their dogs for meat. The villagers beat the men for nine hours straight. The incident began around 7 a.m. Tuesday, and happened in Shaping village, Yizhang County, Hunan Province, where towns people caught the two men hauling away the dead dogs. They then beat the men bloody, tying the dead dogs’ bodies around the men’s necks, according to Life With Dogs.

When police arrived at the scene to attempt to calm and stop the mob for the brutal assault, trying to reason with the villagers that vigilante justice is not acceptable, some members of the mob turned on the police with metal bars around 4 p.m., even smashing the windshield of a police car. At first, the angry mob could not be reasoned with or settled down, as their own pet dogs were killed by the thieves. Some members of the horde laid down in front of police vehicles and rolled rocks in the street so that the dog killers couldn’t be driven away, according to the Daily Mail.

Remember, this happened in Chinese village and not in a city or town.I don't believe Chinese dog eaters will become "moral" in fear of violence. But history has proven us the first step of moral progress and justice is initiated by violence. For the future generation to be embrace moral progress, the present generation had to go through violence. Humans don't change their mind by reason - they pretend to change their mind in fear of violence and it becomes natural moral progress for next generation. 

But as John Gray's says we tend to fall back to past within seconds. Weird creatures we are... one has blog because of his love for his of dog, who is writing about his fellow creatures who are dog killers. And in the mean time, some of his other fellow creatures are pondering about "evils" of artificial intelligence.

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