Saturday, March 24, 2018

Wisdom Of The Week

Now, this just leaves us with the choice of an aim, the heart of strategy. I am fascinated to see that most of the CA campaigns we know anything about were intended to discourage people from voting. Much of the conversation about this whole issue gets stuck on the point that nothing they produced was likely to win anyone over from D to R or vice versa, but this is just a statement of how wedded so many people are to the median-voter theorem and the associated model of advertising in which you aim to reach as many qualified leads as possible.

If you aren’t interested in convincing people in the middle of the spectrum, though, a lot of constraints are relaxed. The Cultural Cognition Blog makes a really interesting point here.

Advertising and campaigning aim to convince by advancing their version of the facts. Propaganda aims to mobilise by advancing its version of social consensus. Disinformation aims to demobilise and disorient by advancing its version of social conflict. If it’s really that bad and idiotic out there, maybe I should just nope out and stay at home? Here’s a case study of just that.

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