Friday, September 17, 2010


Steven Hall in his book states patience as one the 8 pillars of wisdom. I have no idea how that notorious impatient kid grew up to become this guy who is now writing about patience. Life with it's weird sense of humor taught the value of patience. No question, being patient hurts (there in lies the irony of hedonism).
Don't know exactly when but at some point after Max came into my life, patience knocked on my door as well. I am no paragon of patience. But whatever little patience I have imbibed has given me serenity in the chaos of life,  it taught me what is important, it taught me what I missed in life and it showed me the love of my life.
I don't think power of patience can be taught, one has to learn to be patient to learn about patience.
Neuroscience can color code and highlight areas of brain associated with patience but cannot inject patience into us. It's like love, can only be felt and one can never know why, when or how it will find us but when it finds us life becomes beautiful.

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