Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wisdom Of The Week

JB: Well why did you invest in Vicarious? What exactly does Vicarious do? What do you see it doing down the line?

MUSK: Well, I mean, Vicarious refers to it as recursive cortical networks. Essentially emulating the human brain. And so I think —

JB: So you want to make sure that technology is used for good and not "Terminator"-like evil?

MUSK: Yeah. I mean, I don’t think — in the movie "Terminator," they didn't create A.I. to — they didn't expect, you know some sort of "Terminator"-like outcome. It is sort of like the "Monty Python" thing: Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. It’s just — you know, but you have to be careful. Yeah, you want to make sure that —

KE: But here is the irony. I mean, the man who is responsible for some of the most advanced technology in this country is worried about the advances in technology that you aren't aware of.

MUSK: Yeah.

KE: I mean, I guess that is why I keep asking, So what can you do? In other words, this stuff is almost inexorable, isn’t it? How if you see that there are these brain-like developments out there can you really do anything to stop it?

MUSK: I don't know.

JB: But what should A.I. Be used for? What's its best value?

MUSK: I don't know. But there are some scary outcomes. And we should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad. Yeah.

- Interview with Elon Musk.
(The idea behind why he invested in the company Vicarious surprised me !!)

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