Monday, December 14, 2015

What I've Been Reading

We can be too quick to blurt out what we believe are the correct answers, when more value can be gained by searching for a better question. A questioning mentality is far more effective than a knowing mentality.

Pebbles of Perception: How a Few Good Choices make All the Difference by Laurence Endersen. Short but gem of a book; if you haven't read Poor Charlie's Almanac then this is a good place to start.

Why not make a conscious decision to learn something new every day? No matter how small the daily learning, it is significant when aggregated over a lifetime. Resolving early in life to have a continuous learning mindset is not only more interesting than the passive alternative, it is also remarkably powerful. Choosing lifelong learning is one of the few good choices that can make a big difference in our lives, giving us an enormous advantage when practised over a long period of time.

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