Wednesday, September 2, 2020

We Need To Talk About UFOs

After over 60 years of speculation, now that there are so many "official" documents coming out but yet no one is bothered to talk about them. People are willing to believe in insane conspiracies about viruses while continuing to eat meat but not interested in the "fattest of fat tails" namely UFOs. This is a mass case of ignorance and laziness by the people and mass rebuttal of liberty by the government. Mike Solana has a great piece on this

In 2019 the New York Times broke its next story, this time with Navy pilot Lt. Ryan Graves. Lt. Graves provided context on a series of UFO sightings from the summer of 2014 through March 2015. The objects had no discernible method of propulsion, as per the Navy trend, and could reach 30,000 feet at hypersonic speeds, accelerating near instantaneously. After they appeared, the objects did not immediately vanish. They hung out with our Navy for hours. Lt. Graves said one pilot “almost hit” an object that passed directly between two jets flying in tandem, a mere 100 feet apart. It was “a sphere encasing a cube.” 2020: two more stories from the New York Times. The 2017/2018 videos they previously released had been acquired by Blink 182 singer Tom DeLonge, a seismic figure in the UFO community who no doubt cast a shadow of doubt on the footage — a singer? Doing something other than singing? Impossible! Now, two years later, the Pentagon was confirming what we already suspected after the government’s failure to comment on the initial leak: these videos were authentic.


Thinking back on paradigmatic shifts in my own worldview — from liberty to Marxism to anarchy, from God to atheism to [redacted, redacted, DANGER] — the process of thinking deeply has always been roughly the same. On the cusp of what I could feel as, if I kept pushing, some actual, fundamental shift in my core beliefs, I became reluctant to further explore. There has never been an essential belief of mine I wanted to give up, which strikes me as a kind of quality any “essential” belief must probably have. My experiences in change were all-consuming, and I was not always immediately better for them. I read. I debated (fought, really). I alienated myself from friends, and sometimes from my family. I self-radicalized, in a way. I think that’s always how I’ve learned. I think that’s how we all learn, and the prospect of an experience so intense is intimidating. Adjusting our conception of reality may bring us closer to the truth — or not, which is another danger — but the process isn’t comfortable. It doesn’t feel good. You only push because you know you have to, and a sufficiently curious person almost can’t control it. But the process is also exhausting, and we are a notoriously lazy species.


I don’t have an explanation for UFOs. I only know there’s something here we need to look at. I want transparency from the government, and I want the topic taken seriously long enough for us to figure out what’s happening. Because what are the options, really? Are these objects intelligent, or operated by some intelligence not human, and technologically advanced in ways a galaxy beyond us? That would obviously be a huge deal. Or are these objects evidence of some other government, on this planet, so far beyond the United States in terms of covert technological ability that many of our own pilots believe what they’re seeing is alien? Because that would also be a huge deal. And what if it’s not true? There are hundreds of reports from the military, and private contractors working with the government. Ignoring the well-documented and spectacular naval accounts for a moment, and addressing the footage alone, do we honestly believe not one of our Pentagon officials has considered the possibility of a distant jet, or weather balloon? An institutional idiocy so staggering can almost not be fathomed. So have the stories all been fabricated? Has the footage been created by the government for some secret, inscrutable purpose? And does our media have, truly, no pulse of a lie this enormous? Or do we now venture so far as to consider that our free press may be working with the government they otherwise relish in attacking on a daily basis? Because it is worth mentioning that this, rather than the notion our government is concealing a secret UFO program that we now know exists, would today qualify as the conspiracy. There is no version of the UFO story that does not fundamentally change the way we think about the world, and there are serious, at times existential implications to each possibility. It almost doesn’t matter which is true, we just have to look at it.

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