Friday, September 18, 2009

Random musing for the time capsule

Here's an attempt to capture some of my thoughts, perspectives et al as of this day and see how much I change with time for better or worse.  (a.k.a how dumb I was or how dumb am I)

Omnipresence of rationality is impossible to achieve without an external man made stimuli, which obviously hasn't happened yet.

People can prevent lot of bad things in their life and others if they involve in self reflection for just few minutes everyday.

Lot of times,  people patiently wait with a bait to catch misery.

In-spite of all the above,  goodness prevails and any simple explanation can never give an answer to this paradox.

I want to be like Max, with no hangover from the past and no expectations from tomorrow, living just for now making this a special moment.  (I am not talking about shedding long term responsibility or stop learning from history but carrying grudges and planning for pay back et al)

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