Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can Thanksgiving be "happy" without slaughter?

I am still trying to get into the right "mid-set" to read Jonathan Safran Foer's new book, Eating Animals. It's a sincere, melancholic account of his journey to self-realization and in the process getting rid of his dissonance. It's important for me to read this book at the right time since it hits right at my cognitive dissonance. Eating a modicum of "just and only" chicken once a week still glorifies my dissonance and I am still looking for the right D-Day. I cannot forever ameliorate this dissonance under an Aristotelian "Excess of Moderation" philosophy. Nonetheless my Grey Matter still would find thousand other ways to ameliorate but a deep reflection on "Categorical Imperative" will eventually flush down this dissonance forever.
In the mean time, this excellent review by Elizabeth Kolbert  is a fodder for a slaughter-less thanksgiving (since turkey had nothing to do with thanksgiving, until after WWII).

"Americans also love to eat animals. This year, they will cook roughly twenty-seven billion pounds of beef, sliced from some thirty-five million cows. Additionally, they will consume roughly twenty-three billion pounds of pork, or the bodies of more than a hundred and fifteen million pigs, and thirty-eight billion pounds of poultry, some nine billion birds. Most of these creatures have been raised under conditions that are, as Americans know—or, at least, by this point have no excuse not to know—barbaric. Broiler chickens, also known, depending on size, as fryers or roasters, typically spend their lives in windowless sheds, packed in with upward of thirty thousand other birds and generations of accumulated waste. The ammonia fumes thrown off by their rotting excrement lead to breast blisters, leg sores, and respiratory disease. Bred to produce the maximum amount of meat in the minimum amount of time, fryers often become so top-heavy that they can’t support their own weight. At slaughtering time, they are shackled by their feet, hung from a conveyor belt, and dipped into an electrified bath known as “the stunner.”
For pigs, conditions are little better. Shortly after birth, piglets have their tails chopped off; this discourages the bored and frustrated animals from gnawing one another’s rumps. Male piglets also have their testicles removed, a procedure performed without anesthetic. Before being butchered, hogs are typically incapacitated with a tonglike instrument designed to induce cardiac arrest. Sometimes their muscles contract so violently that they end up not just dead but with a broken back.

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