Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life of Pi

First, I would like to thank everyone who didn't let Night Shyamalan direct this movie.
I went in expecting a Disney version of the novel but I was in for a pleasant surprise and a visual treat !! Not many Hollywood movies open with a Tamil melody; it opened up those flood gates of nostalgia - no way for the contemporary India but my childhood India.
The movie is worth every penny just to watch that bond slowly unfold between Pi and Richard Parker. I was missing Max big time in the theatre and couldn't wait to get home fast enough.
  • Check out how Hindus, Christians and Muslims live so closely in India - giving that COEXIST bumper sticker a literal meaning (sans that liberal feel good idea to feel good about oneself).
  • Faith can be mellow without being passionate and preachy. A society filled with only reason will not only be boring but downright bad (I am saying this as person of no faith). It's ok to give the prefrontal cortex some rest.
  • No matter who we are, how much power or money we have, there will be times in life none of those matter. One should be aware of that and probably no amount of preparation can prepare us for that moment. But one can learn and adapt to be stoic even in the company of Richard Parker.
  • And of-course that human-animal bond. Thankfully, I live it everyday. Life is incomplete if you haven't experienced it. If you have no clue what I am talking about...

Can Hollywood stop using technology to make those stupid repetitive Marvel comics movies and make more movies like this one?

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