Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wisdom Of The Week

  1. Nobody is ever going to change their mind -  For instance, if I say something like “kids shouldn’t go to college” everyone either already agrees with me or disagrees with me.
  2. 100 Years from Now everyone reading this blog will be dead - I know there is a labcoat army working in Science that might change this. But, trust me, it won’t work. Science has it’s limits. And after seeing the shit you eat, don’t count on being alive 100 years from now.
  3. Us vs Them - The World Wide Web has created this oozing lava of “Us” vs “Them”. What happened before there were message boards? Before there were “threads”? Or hypertext?
  4. Why Educate People? - There’s two worlds: the material world we live in where there’s limited resources. And the world inside, where we either find our happiness or it stays just slightly outside of our grasp. It’s our choice. The world inside has infinite resources if we let it. We can all find peace there, no matter what our situation is. So, as they say, go for the “best of both worlds”. Be happy on the inside. And don’t educate the weak players who will stab you in a heartbeat in a world of limited resources.
  5. I Could Be Reading a Book - Time is also a limited resource. You can respond to a comment on The Facebook or you can take a walk by the river. Or you can kiss someone. Or you can jump on a trampoline.
  6. Loneliness - I think most people fight because they are alone. There’s nothing we can do about loneliness. We’ve been trapped in these bodies since  birth. But we try. We want people to agree with us so that for a brief second we can feel good about ourselves, establish a connection, and then make slow, sweet love.
  7. I’m Always Wrong - I have never had a correct opinion. I don’t even know what a correct opinion smells like. Opinions are like money. No matter how much you know, there’s always someone who knows more. And they aren’t afraid to flaunt it. I have no credentials on anything. My education is hopelessly outdated.
  8. Hold Your Breath - Try holding your breath for just 30 seconds. That’s all it takes. Try it right now while you are looking at this line. Now…on the 29th second, do any opinions matter?
  9. Less - I’m trying to have less things in my life right now. This doesn’t always mean less  trinkets that shine on a shelf. It also might mean less things that upset me. Less people that bother me. Less regrets that are long dead and buried. Less anxieties about a future that may or may not exist. I find that if I dig deep and throw away one thing a day, then I wake up the next day a little more peaceful. I don’t need to have so many opinions. The fight will continue with or without me.
  10. Bewildered - Just try it. It’s fun. Walk around all day bewildered. It’s much more peaceful.
- James Altucher,  Ten Reasons I Don’t Have Opinions

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