Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quote of the Day

No single weapon - save the atomic bomb - has had as profound an impact on modern warfare and global instability. Despite its low price and often shoddy workmanship, this powerful life rarely jams, is almost indestructible - a single rifle can last 50 years - and is easy to fire with no training. It's the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to turn a farmer, teacher, peasant or even a teenager into an effective killing machine. Overnight, it can transform rag-tag forces into formidable armies. It is the fuel that keeps alive protracted 'small wars' in Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East and the domestic crime almost everywhere. It's creator, Mikhali Kalashinikov, never made a penny from his invention, even though there are more than 75 million AK-47 rifles in the world today, millions of them spread across the globe by covert actions of American CIA.

Kalashnikow now says he wishes he had invented a lawnmower instead, but its too late. No tool has spread so much raw power to so many people in so little time. Or has left such a wide swath of destruction.

From the back cover of the book AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War by Larry Kahaner

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