Max and I rode many miles, making so many memories in this gas-guzzler. One of the reason I held on to this until today was it was spacious for Max to literally take a stroll inside (and it helps to drive something which is paid-off). It's hilarious to watch him jump to the back of the van from the passenger seat when a cop passes by (yes, he does that as soon as I yell "GO"). It was fast approaching it's final days, we had to say good-bye today. We went for final ride on this cold morning trying out few of our rituals. Memories of those long drives are here to stay forever.
Max came into my life in this:
We made memories in this:
Driven by futuristic gas price pessimism and great year-end deal for a used car - bought this now (fringe benefit of lending a small hand in moving away from our oil addiction). Max will be disappointed to be boxed-in but I bet he loves the driver more than the vehicle!! (doesn't matter how long the drive, he never looks out at the window but will keep staring at me the whole journey)
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