Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wisdom Of The Week

Fascinating profile of Stewart Brand and how his book The Whole Earth Catalog changed the world - A must read !!

On what inspired Stewart:

His hero was Buckminster Fuller, a futurist architect and designer, who he says "bent my twig" with what Brand calls a "psychedelic version of engineering".

Fuller said if all the politicians died this week it would be a nuisance, but if all the scientists and engineers in the world died it would be catastrophic. So where's the real juice here? And he really got me and others focused on that.

Lots of people try and change human nature but it's a real waste of time. You can't change human nature, but you can change tools, you can change techniques." And that way "you can change civilisation".

On how to get inspired by Stewart:

This could be another of Brand's maxims. He's always been a doer, when he has an idea, he tries to act on it within 10 minutes, which just seems impossibly dynamic. He is genuinely… I don't know what the word is… an inspiring, uplifting, helpful force in the world. I've seen him in many situations, I've seen him under stress, I've seen him in private, and I have never been disappointed.

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