Monday, June 14, 2021

Tranquility Tricks From Keanu Reeves!

Sometime around my 30's, I started following these simple tricks. 

1. Don't argue with people who don't listen. 

2. Listen more, talk less. 

3. This is the most important thing which had profound change in my life - Rating the open-mindedness of the other person: 

There are many writers I’ve stopped reading in the last few months. Their level of open-mindedness just isn’t there. They believe they are right based on their own experience, and to question them is an act of war. So, I simply mute their voice and move on to more open-minded voices.

Open-mindedness is sexiness — not because it makes your biceps appear bigger — but because open-mindedness is the gateway to understanding the world we live in.

- Read the whole piece here

This means avoiding some of the "famous" columnists, journalists, authors (past and present), some books, completing avoid news and sometimes avoiding an entire discipline such as "study" of consciousness

It is much easier to remove things/habits we have in life rather than adding new ones to bring tranquility. 

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