Thursday, September 16, 2021

Animals In The Anthropocene

Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene, a new book... a collection of heart breaking images of animal sufferings caused by us, Sapiens. 

For the nth time, I am going to say this - My problems in life have become irrelevant. My life is so gifted when compared to these sufferings we cause on other animals. I have no desires anymore in my life. Yes, all of the me, me, me is no more for me. 

If these pictures cannot change your mind to quit killing animals for gastro intestinal pleasures then I am not sure what will... just quit it now. It would be THE best decision you would have made in your entire life. 

This cow, who was pleading for his life before being stabbed at a slaughterhouse.

This pig, who was viewed as nothing more than a product by the meat industry and discarded like trash outside a farm.

These ducks, who were herded into a pit to be buried alive after an outbreak of bird flu.

These cows, surrounded by concrete, tile, and steel, who suffer the repeated trauma of being separated from their babies.

This turtle, who writhed in agony as his shell was sliced off.

These chickens who, like most in the meat industry, were forced to live in cramped sheds and denied everything that was natural and important to them.

This duck, who languished for days after his beak was broken during force feeding in the foie gras industry.

These dogs, who cowered in fear before one of their cagemates was beaten to death by a butcher.

This pig, who gazed out from a transport truck before reaching her final destination at the slaughterhouse.

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