Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sterilizing Immunity

The idea that vaccinating a certain percentage of the population would stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was a seductive but unhelpful description of herd immunity. This understanding comes from the so-called sterilizing immunity provided by infection or vaccination against diseases like measles. Sterilizing immunity means an individual can no longer be infected or infect others. Reach a certain percentage or “threshold” of this immunity in a population (around 95% for measles) and transmission comes to halt and the virus is eliminated.

This, however, is neither the exclusive nor even the most common understanding of herd immunity — and it is misleading for Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 is not like the measles virus, but more like influenza, a virus that does not produce sterilizing immunity, returning every season like clockwork.


For SARS-CoV-2, herd immunity should not have been seen as an elimination threshold. Instead, it should have helped us understand that as immunity accumulated in the population, whether from infection or vaccination, the epidemic would recede before everyone was infected. Acknowledging that we couldn’t stop all infections, policy should have focused on minimizing the exposure of those already known to be at enormously increased risk of severe disease, while also limiting the harms caused by prolonged restrictions.

- More Here

This is another example of how politics and ideology rule's people's decisions even while facing death from a virus. 

Have no doubt, anti-vaccine parade started because one side was convinced it was panacea and they were convinced so because other side thought vaccine was a farce and they thought so because ... 

These ideologically driven bullshit amplifies continuously until any reminiscence of the truth vanishes from the brain. 

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