Saturday, June 25, 2022

Lost Einsteins

Imagine living in a world where people debated insightful papers such as this one from Raj Chetty - Lost Einsteins: How exposure to innovation influences who becomes an inventor

Relatively little is known about the factors that induce people to become inventors. Using data on the lives of over one million inventors in the US, this column sheds light on what policies can be most effective in increasing innovation. In particular, it shows that increasing exposure to innovation among women, minorities, and children from low-income families may have greater potential to spark innovation and growth than traditional approaches such as reducing tax rates.


If women, minorities, and children from low-income families were to invent at the same rate as white men from high-income (top 20%) families, the rate of innovation in America would quadruple. Our findings therefore call for greater focus on policies that harness the under-utilised talent in these groups by providing them greater exposure to innovation. Such policies could range from mentoring programmes to internships to interventions through social networks. Our analysis does not tell us which programs are most effective, but it does provide some guidance on how they should be targeted. Targeting exposure programmes to children from under-represented groups who excel in mathematics and science at early ages is likely to maximise their impacts. Furthermore, tailoring programmes to participants' backgrounds may be valuable: for example, women are more influenced by female rather than male inventors. 

These are extremely simple and insightful analysis to help humanity. Alas! this will be extremely simple and insightful only if humans focused on what matters. 

One side keeps on talking about religion and other-side having reached the pinnacle of virtue signaling, is now immersed itself in wokeism where even a some book titles are not to said aloud. 

These morons have no sense of history and yeah, they neither understand the preciousness of freedom of speech. 

Dunning-Kruger effect has spread more rapidly than covid and there is no vaccine for it except self reflection. 

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