Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hiring Astronauts!!

For future commercial space ventures - Astronauts4Hire , qualifications:

"The minimum requirements to become an A4H include being at least 18 years old, able to obtain a FAA Class III Medical Certificate, speak English fluently, have no past convictions, be able to pass a Background Check, and hold at least a Bachelor's degree in a field relevant to suborbital science or spaceflight. In some cases, current students with demonstrated experience relevant to A4H who have not yet completed degrees will be considered. While A4H does not require its members to have U.S. citizenship, some activities may require it.

Beyond the minimum requirements, other aspects considered include graduate degrees, work experience, microgravity experience, laboratory experience, field experience, operational experience (military, pilot, diving, etc.), mission experience (NASA, commercial, analog, etc.), scientific publications, past success applying to astronaut programs, ties to space industry groups, fund-raising/grant-writing ability, and volunteer/leadership experience.

While A4H is still in its embryonic stage, a further important criterion for selection is that all A4Hs be able to devote sufficient time to building the organization. So far, the time demand is a minimum of 3 hours per week, and sometimes it can be substantially more. Later, when the organization is more mature, this aspect will not be as important for selection.

The A4H Selection Committee will meet no more than once per month to review applications and will admit new candidates at their discretion. Selections will be based on consensus of committee members. The Selection Committee will refer the recommended candidates in batches to the Board of Directors for final approval."

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