Monday, August 30, 2010

Biological Urinal Block

After more than a decade went for a (lousy) movie here in India. What caught my attention (other than price of ticket and coffee) was... the urinal. Waterless urinals called Biological Urinal Block:

"1 - Safe, powerful enzymes break the bonds that shape the problem. Any stain, odour or blockage is made up of molecules joined together as complex chemicals. These chemicals are linked together by bonds (chemical chains). By careful selection and use of powerful enzymes to safely break these bonds, the chemicals no longer exist. The molecules do but individually they cause no further problems.

2 - Friendly bacteria then eat the remaining organic matter. Bacteria are able to digest molecules of organic matter such as waste in drains, or staining on fabrics, converting it into water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

3 - The problem has now gone. As there is no organic matter on which our special safe bacteria or other harmful germs can feed, they cannot survive. The problem is removed, not covered up as with many harsh chemical cleaners. It’s cured - naturally."

There cannot be better place to evaluate this block - 7 Theatres with capacity of 400 each, 2800 souls happily peeing per show but yet no stink.

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