Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Organic Egg Scorecard

I still eat eggs.. organic eggs, "hoping" it's less torturous. A little know fact, thanks to the protein factories life is worse than death - chickens bred for eggs live in hell than the chickens bred for meat. But that innocuous look of the eggs usually camouflages the dreaded reality behind them. Egg whites in a carton, further desensitizes us from reality. At times, I still pick them up with no sense of remorse. 

We can choose better, nothing works better than voting with dollars - Organic Egg Scorecard -

This scorecard from the non-profit Cornucopia Institute rates egg producers to help you buy better eggs.The best brands, rated 5 eggs, are small- to medium-scale family farms that go beyond the organic label and raise their hens on ample pasture or with intensively managed rotated pasture. Egg brands with a 1-egg rating? "Ethically deficient - industrial organics/no meaningful outdoor access and/or none were open enough to participate."

The horrors of how many hens are raised in the mass egg production process are pretty nauseating. If you care about your food being both organic and coming from humane agricultural practices, take a look at the scorecard. If you don't find a brand near you at the top of the list, another great thing to do is find a local farm that you know raises their hens humanely and has sustainable farming practices."

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