Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tragedy & Genius - Professor Deepak Malhotra

Prof. Malhotra delivers a enlightening speech to the 2012 graduating MBA students at Harvard Business School. He is also the author of I Moved Your Cheese: For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze and Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyon.

Circumstances and choice:
A Harvard MBA student has intangible assets and opportunity out of the gate, which far exceed 99.95% of the population. Circumstance has been kind to them, and to a great extent each of you as readers of this post. Our choice is to take our circumstances, make them work for us, and be happy throughout our lives. So many others have choices made for them. Largely we have choices to make. We should choose to be happy. When you have that choice and you don’t make it, it is among the great tragedies in life.

Quit – early and often:

You wouldn’t expect this from a Harvard business school professor, but this is precisely the advice he gave. Find out what feeds your soul. Don’t hesitate to quit because it’s bad to do so. Quit honorably, because it’s not for you and move on to what is. Tragedy is living a life where choices could’ve been made but were not.

Our purpose:

Doctors create better health. Teachers create a more learned society. Lawyers create justice. What do business leaders do? We create value. If we create more value than the money we take home, we are on the right track. If we take more money home than value we create, then we are unintentional thieves. It’s really that simple.


Conflict is most often created by the differing views of two people with good intent. Empathy is simply the ability to see the world through the other side’s eyes, and understand their view of the area of conflict. It matters most in dealing with others who seem to deserve it least.


The extent to which you solve problems will in large part be based on your ability to be humble. Humility and confidence are best friends.

Get your learn on:

Learning is easily the most inefficient aspect of our lives. We miss 99% of the learning opportunities that come our way. Be open to learning in any environment.

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