Monday, September 17, 2012

Wisdom of Tyler Cowen

This is my top reason for respecting Cowen leave alone the intellectual tour-de force that he is. We need to expose the cognitive dissonance of liberals who on one hand support animal rights and "long" to end world poverty; on the other hand don't give a hoot about GMO science. They prefer to live in their own la la land and probably would be happy to toast fund raisers for eternity pretending to solve some of the most profound problems of our times. It's about time they stop talking about Buddha and start spreading the wisdom of Norman Borlaug. 

I would in fact be more supportive of the GMO labeling idea if renowned food writers such as Bittman, and many others including left-wing economists, would come out and boldly proclaim the science about GMOs to their readers.  Too often the tendency is to use a “I’ll try not to say anything literally incorrect, while insinuating there are big problems” method of scoring points against big agriculture.  (Another common trope is to switch the discussion to “distribution” and to suggest, either explicitly or implicitly, that a net benefit technology such as GMOs is somehow unnecessary or undesirable; dare I utter the words “mood affiliation“?)  GMO labeling is the one issue which has gained legal traction, so critics of “Big Ag” just can’t bring themselves to give it up.

Overuse of antibiotics and animal treatment (both cruelty and environmental issues) — now those are two very real problems, backed by overwhelming scientific evidence.  The fact that the California referendum is instead about GMOs — which have overwhelming scientific evidence for net benefit and minimal risks — is the real scandal.

It’s time that our most renowned food writers woke up to that difference.  In the meantime, they are doing both us and themselves a deep disservice.

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