Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day - Let's Heed To Tony Porter's Call To Get Rid Of The "Man Box"

Tony Porter's TED talk is one my all time favorites; over the past few centuries we have a changed and have been changing a lot as a civilization. But yet there are few powerful and visceral reminiscences of our evolution which we cling on to as leaches. Let's work towards eradicating at-least one of them - Break free of the "man box."'

At A Call to Men we work with boys from the age of eight.  Unfortunately, even at that early age, they have been socialized to prescribe to the tenants of the Man Box.  When asked by men and women how soon should they began to have these discussions with their sons, we say, “Five is the age they get on the school bus.” It’s at that age that others begin to teach and influence our sons. So we say don’t wait, if you do, what you’re actually doing is giving others permission to teach and influence your sons. It’s not whether they will learn, it’s more about who will be their primary teachers.

We believe the conversation (teaching) does not change that much between boys and young men, we just use age appropriate examples to have the discussion. We believe it’s essential that discussions on manhood become part of the education process. A large percentage of the trauma and ills of men are a direct result of the aspects of manhood requiring change.

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