Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hippocampus Size & Exercise

"The area of your brain responsible for memory formation is the hippocampus – and the bigger yours the better. Researchers from the University of Illinois and the University of Pittsburgh recently discovered a strong correlation between physical fitness and hippocampus size. "If you want to keep your memory and the rest of your mental skills in shape, you need to feed your brain through regular exercise," says Tony Buzan, inventor of Mind Mapping and author of over 100 books on the brain.
Memorable move High intensity interval training and Tabata sessions are the most time-efficient ways to supercharge your cardio training. A recent Journal of Physiology study found doing 10 one-minute sprints on a stationary bike with one minute rest in between, three times a week, boosts health and fitness more effectively than 10 hours cycling continuously at a moderate pace."

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