Sunday, April 25, 2021

Project CETI - Using AI To Decipher Whale Language

They live in matriarchal and multicultural societies and share dialects and strong multigenerational family bonds Sperm whales have the largest brains of any species and have higher-level functions such conscious thought and future planning, as well as speech and feelings of compassion, love, suffering and intuition. Their vocalizations, among the loudest animal sounds on the planet, have a Morse code-like structure that shares the hallmarks of a highly-evolved language.


Project CETI, a nonprofit organization and interdisciplinary initative that aims to apply advanced machine learning and state-of-the art robotics to listen to and translate the communication of whales. Founded and led by a team of scientists, CETI is bringing together leading cryptographers, roboticists, linguists, AI experts, technologists and marine scientists to connect to a fellow mammal with the largest brain: the sperm whale.

Over the next five years, CETI  listen deeply to sperm whale communication, interpret their voices, and then attempt to communicate back. Through an understanding of a non-human species and showing the power of collaborative research, CETI aspires to deepen our relationship with life on earth.

- Project CETI 

These are one of those few rare moments in my life when I salute and bow to my fellow sapiens. 

Thank you!

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