Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ancient Humans Show Evidence Of Plant-Heavy Diets

Previous research suggests that our ancient human ancestors were hunter-gatherers who relied heavily on eating animals. These assumptions have been replicated in popular “fad” diets such as Paleo and Carnivore, which emphasize humans’ ancestral diets and encourage heavy meat consumption. However, the science on prehistoric diets remains unclear. Did ancient humans truly prioritize hunting animals and only forage for plants when necessary?

According to the authors of this study, research on this topic typically relies on indirect evidence. Previous scholars excavated objects like spears and arrowheads, stone tools, and large animal bone fragments and made the assumption that large mammal hunting was the norm. However, other excavations suggest that plant-based foods were also part of early human diets, including studies of human dental remains. The authors wonder whether the overrepresentation of hunting-related artifacts in excavations, along with gender biases, have inflated the importance of hunting.   

In this study, researchers tested the hypothesis that human hunter-gatherers in the Andes highlands in South America relied mostly on large mammal hunting. They used a more direct research method called stable isotope analysis — this involves studying certain elements in human bone remains to reveal what types of food ancient humans ate. They also compared this information to plant and animal remains found at the excavation site. They sampled bones from 24 humans who lived in what is now Peru during the Archaic Period (9,000-6,500 years before present).

Researchers assumed their results would show a diverse diet with an emphasis on large animal consumption. However, contrary to previous research, the bone analysis suggested that plants dominated ancient diets in the Andes region, making up between 70-95% of dietary consumption. Wild tuber plants (like potatoes) were the main plant source, while large mammals played a secondary role. Meanwhile, meat from small mammals, birds, and fishes, as well as other plant types, played a much smaller dietary role. 

- More Here (full paper here)

This makes intuitive sense, try to replicate a typical American diet of three (or more) meals everyday with meat by hunting animals with rudimentary tools. Good luck, if you had a meal a week!

Our society, economy, and civilization is built on abusing animals. Most bodies are “built” on abusing animals. Factory farms is an euphemism for torture cambers for unwarranted protein needs of sedentary lifestyle of humans and masquerading in name of made up tradition, culture, health and god knows what else. In the end, these humans suffer in hospitals and hospice. 

How to stop this vicious cycle? I pretty much live to find even a marginal answer to this question. And I am open to the idea that this might be the wrong question and we need a new question(s). 

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