Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Meta Values - 28

I wish someone told this moron to me when I was in my teens. 

I started working out in my teens; in whatever way I can to get stronger and full of muscles. In other words, become rigid. But my main mission is to not get a list of diseases that my genetic lineage has. 

When Max was there and in my late thirties, I joined Crossfit and it helped my quality of life immensely. I learned stuff and quit Crossfit and do similar workouts at home. Even with five or six years of Crossfit, I still didn't learn the key message. 

I learned this during Max's last year. 

More than anything - Being stronger and simultaneously being flexible is the key to health and aging gracefully. 

Bruce Lee once said - "Be water, my friend." 

I think he meant for the mind which I follow with the Mind as a River thing in almost every moment of my life. 

But keeping the body flexible is key to graceful aging. 

Be flexible and strong simultaneously - I think that's the value for the rest of my life. 

Weight plus body weight training, boring stretching exercises, tons of walking (no running), and kinesthetics is enough in this lifetime (as of my knowledge today). 

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