Monday, October 19, 2009

Can we do research sans the animal torture?

Big question is how do we research something when a trait is human specific, like language?

It turns out with time we do more than just fine (ok it's a reductionist statement). Here is scientific american report  about the organization of language in the Broca region (fascinating theory on Brain and Language by Lera Boroditsky ) :

"Thanks to an unusual opportunity to implant electrodes into the brains of alert adults, researchers have described the sequence and timing of distinct steps in language processing to a finer degree than previous methods have allowed.
The brain's language center, named Broca's area after the French physician Pierre Paul Broca who discovered it in 1865, has remained a relative black box since its recognition.

Unlike other brain-based functions, such as movement or vision, there are no animal models for language study—formal language being a uniquely human skill. So observing how the brain rapidly recognizes and produces words has been challenging for even contemporary scientists who have to rely largely on comparatively imprecise techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or lesion studies.”

Well, necessity is the mother of all invention. It's just that its convinent to have this poor mute animals to torture and we never have enough initiative to look at any alternatives. I do understand when expirementing on animals is called a "necessary evil" but what bothers me is the lackluster attitude in which most of us just accept it or. Necessary evil should stop with medical research and needs to reevaluated constantly to eliminate it one day. There shouldn't be any question of considering these torture for cosmetics. Goodguide is great place to find PETA animal treatment assessment in cosemetics and stop buying the products which torture animals.

"Vote with your dollars".- Daniel Goleman

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