Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Three Tweets for the Web

Three Tweets for the Web
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The above essay was adapted from the book, Create Your Own Economy: The Path to Prosperity in a Disordered World. (one of my favorite books!!)

Having spent first half of my life in India, I know the "significance" of 50th, 100th and every other 50th chuck of anything in life. So I should have planned this to be my 50th post since its about the person who made me blog. Tyler Cowen of mariginal revolution fame was the my motivation to blog. I call him the Jackie Chan of blogs - this guy has some fingers!! I don't know anyone  who can blog so much on a given day (he has been doing it for 5/6 yrs without missing a single day and he has a full time job as professor too) and the best part is all his posts are phenomenal.

So thank you Mr.Cowen for nudging me to blog and you are right, it feels damn good!!

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