We all are underpaid, over-qualified, under appreciated, brilliant except others don't perceive the same of us. These pleasures of living in Lake Wobegon eventually weans away - here:
"You've got to learn from life's ups and downs. Here's an analogy from the world of pharmacognosy: A special plant grows in the mountainous areas of Iceland's interior, called Angelica archangelica. It produces flowers, seeds, and roots that have been used as medicine by the local population for nearly 1000 years. It was only recently that scientific research highlighted the value of these roots, which led farmers in other countries to grow Angelica in controlled environments.
"You've got to learn from life's ups and downs. Here's an analogy from the world of pharmacognosy: A special plant grows in the mountainous areas of Iceland's interior, called Angelica archangelica. It produces flowers, seeds, and roots that have been used as medicine by the local population for nearly 1000 years. It was only recently that scientific research highlighted the value of these roots, which led farmers in other countries to grow Angelica in controlled environments.
At first, botanists were impressed with this cultivated Angelica, as the plants look lovely when tended properly in a garden. But unfortunately, although the specially cultivated plants look beautiful, they are nearly worthless. The medicinal value of Angelica develops only under the stressful conditions of real life in one of the harshest environments on the planet. Fertilizer, pesticides, and good soil do nothing but build a very weak immune system in the herb, translating to a plant with little or no commercial value.
Like Angelica, which only develops its magic when it hits the ups and downs of real life, we can't achieve our ultimate career success by sitting around feeling special. If you're going to succeed in the workforce, you've got to first understand what makes you unique, and then build something special through intense labor. Finally, and almost more importantly, you then have to translate that something into special benefits for those who would employ you."
I tend to learn a lot reading your blog. BTW, I found you to like this word "Cognition" and its derivatives a lot. Almost every blog at least has one occurence.
Thanks for the kind words Bharath. Ha ha you did notice my current obsession with cognition?
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