Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wisdom Of The Week

First off, read a damn book. Read lots of books. When you commute, listen to recorded books and when you have dead time and no real life around you to watch, crack open a book. Read as much as you can on as many subjects as you can and keep both a skeptical and an open mind. Let the new ideas in, play with them, but don't just swallow them whole. Just because it got published doesn't mean it's true.
Read more non-fiction than fiction. The world is a huge and amazing place and in history and anthropology you will find weirdness and drama that puts fiction to shame. And you will gain some insight, because everything connects.

Many of the books you read will have bibliographies. Bibliographies will lead you to more information. Often the sources quoted go into much more detail on a single aspect of the issue than was presented in the book.

What follows is a list of books that I got some things out of. It won't be complete. I try to read two non-fiction books a week and in the course of the last few decades I must have forgotten hundreds of titles. Furthermore, there isn't an author on this list that I agree with 100%. Be skeptical. Check sources. Sometimes you will find that the sources quoted do not say what the author says. That's life in the big city.

- From the Bibliography of Rory Miller's EXCELLENT book Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence 

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