Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Andrew Goes BIG & BOLD !!

Andrew was the one who inspired me to start a blog; now he is going the pay-mode sans any safety net. I have no qualms paying to read his enlightening pieces everyday (its only $19.99 a year). Good Luck Andrew !!

Subscribe HERE

"Hence the purest, simplest model for online journalism: you, us, and a meter. Period. No corporate ownership, no advertising demands, no pressure for pageviews ... just a concept designed to make your reading experience as good as possible, and to lead us not into temptation.

We need, in particular, to get paid decently for what is extremely intense work 365 days a year. Some people I bump into ask me how we produce 240 posts a week (13,000 separate posts last year alone) or how we read the 90,000 emails we get a year. I have a simple answer: we work our asses off. And my colleagues and I deserve to be paid for it. If the money doesn't come in, we'll have to find another way to make a living.

- More Here

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