Sunday, January 6, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty

At the end of the movie I had an eerie sense of relief and disgust. But I wasn't sure if that relief was worth after disgustedly we had to become a demon to kill one.

With a larger than life portrayal of the demons by the media, we tend to forget that a demon is also a normal human albeit vicious and can be killed like any of us if properly strategized. I think killing the demon is no question tough but the real success is in not becoming a demon ourselves in the process of killing one.  It's not a difficult question with a difficult answer. We have a moral obligation not to be a demon and this should not be even debatable, period. This change needs to happen sooner or latter as it is intertwined with the progress of our civilization. After all there isn't single recorded case of any spontaneous genesis of demons. Only criteria for genesis of demons is that circumstances people create to which people like us pretend to be blindsided. These people are not from particular country or religion but rather the whole humanity in general.

Maya's tears in the final scene is a metaphor for the uneasiness we as a county feel fighting these dissonances for years (if not decades).
And the movie was brilliant.

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