Thursday, February 20, 2020

Please Support Dr. Kwane Who Helps

Please donate @GoFund to support Dr.Kwane's noble work.

Dr. Kwane Stewart was already an experienced veterinarian when he decided to help the less fortunate in his community. After spending an afternoon offering medical care to the pets of people experiencing homelessness, he learned an important lesson: These animals provided more than companionship to their owners — they also offered love, hope, and security. What Dr. Kwane initially thought would be a one-off experience has since turned into a nine-year mission to help four-legged pets across Southern California and beyond.

[---]Between his street work and partnerships with other organizations, Dr. Kwane has helped roughly 400 animals since 2011, including a fair share of cats — and once, even a Burmese python.While some of the individuals he approaches can be a little hesitant to accept help at first, Dr. Kwane says they are usually relieved and thankful by the end of their pet’s examination. Many even shed tears of joy. With each new animal he helps, Dr. Kwane says he gains a deeper understanding of the unique bond that exists between those experiencing homelessness and their pets.

“Their relationship is on a totally different level,” he says. “I can’t tell you how many times people told me their animals are their reason for getting up in the morning.”

- Read more about Dr.Kwane's work here
Dr. Aysha Akhtar in her beautiful book, Our Symphony with Animals has written reams about homeless people's struggle to care for their pets.

We are acknowledging the interconnectedness of our lives with other animals. Their well-being is not separate from ours. On the contrary, we share the same fate.
Moving forward, how we choose to be with animals will depend on how willing we are to be with them. Not as predator and prey, not as master and servant. But as kin, as partners, and as friends, strolling shoulder to shoulder along the dips and rises that stretch before us. We lose nothing when we do so. What we gain is our health, our happiness, our humanity. And friendships that are irreplaceable.
Please do support Dr.Kwane's work.

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