Saturday, November 28, 2020

Relationships Are Everlasting Stories

Out of the blue, I listen to this beautiful old Tamil song after decades. It minded me of those four days in October 2019... it had a happy ending. Max is not here anymore but he came home and that beckons everlasting peace in my short life. 

The English translation (which losses much of the essence) goes like this: 

Relationships are everlasting stories

Feelings are like short stories 

One story can conclude 

While its end might lead to another

Only happiness beckons hereafter 

Only happiness beckons hereafter 


Your heart feels heavy 

I am here from you

I will bear the burden 

The corner of your eyes 

Why are they wet?

I will soothe those tears 

Your sorrows would end 

The mist would clear 

Oh milky cloud 

I will blend in your renewed beauty 


Life is like a song

And the melody is growing 

Every day will be filled with happiness 

So far you have only seen sorrow

From now on there will be only happiness

A new melody of happiness is starting now

A fresh flow of water in the river,

And it's merging with the ocean

Similarly, our bond has joined again today 

And happiness is born


Relationships are everlasting stories

Feelings are like short stories 

One story can conclude 

While its end might lead to another

Only happiness beckons hereafter 

Only happiness beckons hereafter 

Max's first day, first photograph 05/21/2006

This relationship of ours was a short story but yet, it is a small part of the least understood and everlasting human-animal bond. 

These simple bonds will not only outlive self-centered humans but someday might save and protect this beautiful planet. 

Thank you Max for giving me a glimpse of life before I fall. 

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