Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Behavioural Effects of Toxoplasma Gondii In Wild Animals

It's been decades or so since Toxo broke the myth of free will and "elegance" of the human brain. Our body and mind are a complex system living and dying in an entangled web of multitude of creatures we neither understand nor comprehend. Hence, this blog even has a Microbes and Us label. 

Another paper on Toxo - how it affects Wolves to become pack leaders

Wolves infected with a common parasite are more likely than uninfected animals to lead a pack, according to an analysis of more than 200 North American wolves1. Infected animals are also more likely to leave their home packs and strike out on their own.

I bet there is so much research on Toxo over the past two decades because of availability bias and riding fast on past research. I might be wrong. 

But the question is how many other protozoa, bacteria and parasites are affecting humans and how? What about even Toxo's research on human behavior changes et al.,?

Did Fluffy or Garph affect me with Toxo? 

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