Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oxytocin - Lesson 5

More on Oxytocin, this time something really a "touchy" subject, study of premature ejaculation on rats revealed a possible culprit (yes that "goody-goody" Oxytocin again).

So what is the cause for some rats being slow and other rats being fast? It could be a matter of penile sensitivity, as human men who suffer from premature ejaculation are known to be more sensitive. But it could ALSO be oxytocin! The scientists point that oxytocin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus showed more activation in rapidly-ejaculating rats than in sluggish rats."
"So what did the scientists conclude from this? First, they concluded that "premature" ejaculation is probably just the far end of a bell curve in rats, and this may possibly be the same in humans, no psychological issues involved. They also suggest that rapid ejaculators may have higher oxytocin neuronal activity, which could have something to do with their impressive abilities."

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