Thursday, March 12, 2020

Narrative Collapse - For Once No One Has an "Opinion" or Bullshit Point of View

Biology, Ecology et al., are complex systems - all the bullshitter for once has nothing to say! 

They are just watching Coronavirus unfold. They never learned humility while living inside complexity but eternally confident of their simple answers (religion, politics, sports, acronyms and so on) for every damn thing under the universe. Lacking epistemological modesty will always come back to haunt us. 

Of course, this is only temporary, all bullshitters without a hint of irony will go back to their narrative fallacy and alternative histories within in few weeks. So it goes...

Venkatesh Rao has gem
Right now, the perception of agency at all levels is falling. Individuals, corporations, governments, heads of state, stock traders, the UN, everybody feels they’re losing the plot, but they don’t see anybody else finding it. Even ambitious grifters who want to profiteer off the narrative collapse struggle with what to do. Low-level grifters might hoard toilet paper, sell fake N95 masks, or peddle fake cures, but bigger, Bond-villain level moves are hard to script. The profiteering imagination fails at scale. Even disaster capitalism is hard to do in the immediate aftermath of true narrative collapse events. That’s how bad it gets. 
As far as we can tell, a virus has gotten inside the OODA loop of Homo sapiens, and seized the initiative, while we’re struggling to figure out what to even call it. It is spreading faster than our fastest truths, lies, and bullshit. A supersonic shock wave in the narrative marketplace. 
There is a sudden recalibration of how much agency humanity collectively possesses, and we’re not happy with the results.
Btw., its time to reread Harry Frankfurt's On Bullshit. Here's his precise definition of Bullshit and why it has so prevalent these days:

It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.
By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are. 
Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about. Thus the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person’s obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic are more excessive than his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic. This discrepancy is common in public life, where people are frequently impelled whether by their own propensities or by the demands of others to speak extensively about matters of which they are to some degree ignorant. Closely related instances arise from the widespread conviction that it is the responsibility of a citizen in a democracy to have opinions about everything, or at least everything that pertains to the conduct of his country’s affairs. The lack of any significant connection between a person’s opinions and his apprehension of reality will be even more severe, needless to say, for someone who believes it his responsibility, as a conscientious moral agent, to evaluate events and conditions in all parts of the world.

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