Monday, June 22, 2020

COVAD-19 Deaths & Highest Meat Consuming Countries

This is the list of countries and their 2009 meat consumption (in kgs) per year per person. It's mindboggling!

Sapiens in the USA consume a staggering 120.2 kgs per year while Sapiens in India consume only 4.4kg per year.

This list captures the top 13 countries with the highest COVAD-19 death based on their population per million.

All of these 13 countries consume more than 75 kg of meat per year per person. 

Brazil which is the home of "world largest" meat producer JSB, now faces the phenomenal rise in COVAD-19 cases. 

Believe it or not, Bangladesh is the world's most vegetarian country consuming only 4kg per year per person. 

And how does Bangladesh look with COVAD-19 in the above list? Only 9.07 when compared to 366.19 in the USA and 10.13 in India. 

I am a data scientist. On purpose,  I didn't want to spend any time doing even simple statistics.  I tried to approach it through the eyes of the common man. I did a quick search of numbers and presented it here in less than 5 minutes. 

Obviously, this is not a statistically validated result nor does it includes a myriad of other factors like "reactance" to lockdown. Nevertheless,  the basic numbers with almost no visible outliers that everyone can see are telling a fundamental problem with our diet and how were are messing with complex systems. 

I posted this powerful talk by Michael Gregory (a Buddhist monk) on April 6th, 2020. He was also talking about the cost we have to pay for messing with complex systems and animal sufferings. 

Many of you wish things go back to normal. If normal involves doing the same things again and again, why do you want to be normal? If normal is the best idea, I wish all of you to be abnormal because this is NOT normal - what we have done to this planet and what we have done to the animals.

We have turned into no big deal to walk into a grocery store and pick your killing. 

How can you contribute to suffering and expect not to suffer in return?

If you don't like the effect then don't commit the cause. This is Buddhism. 

We blame to Chinese for having these markets. Look at your own market. What is it filled with? Do you have a mountain of food which is a mountain of death? 
I am not convincing you to become a vegetarian but I am convincing you to accept responsibility to your world.

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