Sunday, December 19, 2021

12 Laws Of Karma

Most people think Karma is only the first one on this list but there is much more. A good consolidated list to remember forever - 12 Universal Laws of Karma According to Buddhism:

  • The Great Law: The Great Law of karma means that you receive what you put out into the world. That is you reap what you sow. If we desire honest relationships, we have to be candid and authentic ourselves first. If you long for happiness, act accordingly and share your joy with others. if it’s Financial abundance you seek then be generous without expecting anything in return.
  • The Law of Creation: Life requires, Our participation. Everything around us is the creation of someone’s intentions. Even our lives are the results of our own inner state. Although it happens unconsciously most of the time. Therefore we cannot wait for things to happen instead. We must put in action to make them happen. Finally, surround yourself with what you want. So that it is conducive to your desires.
  • The Law of Humility: Of all the laws of karma, Buddhism emphasizes the law of humility. The karmic law stresses acceptance, which is a near Universal version. That is we must accept what is before we can change.
  • The Law of Growth: Real change can only occur when we change who we are inside. As above so below and as within so without. If we want to see growth or change externally we must be committed to changing internally. The good news is that we have absolute control over ourselves in our growth beyond any circumstance.
  • The Law of Responsibility: You are the source of what happens around you and the outside world mirrors our internal state. If chaos surrounds you, then there is turbulence with it where the only way to bring peace is to find peace with yourself. The law teaches us to take ownership of the state of the world around us as only then can we change.
  • The Law of Connection: Often We give more meaning to an aspect of Our Lives over another. We might cherish the present over the past or think the future will be better unlike the here and then, however, one of the laws of karma, the law of connection emphasizes the interconnectedness of the past. Past the present and the future, neither the first nor the last are better as they were both required to accomplish the task.
  • The Law of Focus: Our minds cannot follow multiple trains of thought and be equally proficient therefore, you should focus on one goal at a time. The central goal over multitasking the karmic law of focus also teaches that you cannot focus on higher and a lower value simultaneously. We cannot Harbor negative thoughts and expect to grow spiritually, and we must direct our full attention to what we desire.
  • The Law of Giving and Hospitality: The law teaches that there will come a time when you will have to demonstrate your beliefs. It encourages one to ensure that their actions mirror their beliefs.
  • The Law of Change: Have you ever been at a point where situations keep repeating themselves and nothing seems to be changing as if life is telling you Something by repeating the same situations? Well in a sense you understand one of the laws of karma: the law of change history will repeat itself until you put positive energy to direct it elsewhere.
  • The Law of Here and Now: The karmic law of Here and Now teaches us to be entirely in the present moment. It recognizes that at any time the here and now is all we ever have, and to be engaged with and enjoy Single moments in the past leads to regret. while having Foot in the future results and anxiety over the unknowns. Come back to the moment of here And now as it is the only place you can truly live.
  • The Law of Patience and Reward: “He who Masters patients Masters everything else”. George Savile. Good things come to those who wait. You cannot replace patience, persistence, and hard work with wishful thinking, you have to be willing to do the heavy lifting to create any value.
  • The Law of Significance and Inspiration: The law teaches that no matter how insignificant we might feel, what we contribute to the whole and the universe will be different without our contribution. No matter how small it seems it is one law that you should reflect on when you need motivation. most of the law also teaches us that the value of any Venture is the result of the energy and intent directed towards following these laws of karma will ensure that you attract good karma and that your contribution as a whole is positive.

None of the above laws refer to god, magic or any superpowers. The laws are pain and simple. These are actions you can do it yourself in the present and on earth. No excuses. No magic. You need to comprehend that you matter (a lot) and do the right things always and do it over again, again and again. 

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