Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ten good reasons why GMOs are not compatible with organic agriculture

I have been waiting for long time for someone to answer this question since common sense says it's a no brainier. Finally, I got to read this ten reasons (part 2 and part 3) but only three made scientific sense and rest were the quintessential abstract romantic argument by may be someone who haven't witness or experienced hunger. Sorry, not trying to be judgmental here but one should trying explaining these quixotic philosophy (ok science) to the families of farmers who commit suicide in India or to people living in barren roasted dry lands in Africa. These 3 arguments made sense but sorry I am still disappointment with these arguments/answers.

1. Basic science. Humans have a complex digestive system, populated with flora, fauna, and enzymes that have evolved over millennia to recognize and break down foods found in nature to make nutrients available to feed the human body. GMO crops and foods are comprised of novel genetic constructs which have never before been part of the human diet and may not be recognized by the intestinal system as digestible food, leading to the possible relationship between genetic engineering and a dramatic increase in food allergies, obesity, diabetes, and other food-related diseases, which have all dramatically increased correlated to the introduction of GMO crops and foods.
2. Ecological impact. Organic agriculture is based on the fundamental principle of building and maintaining healthy soil, aquatic, and terrestrial ecosystems. Since the introduction of GMOs, there has been a dramatic decline in the populations of Monarch butterflies, black swallowtails, lacewings, and caddisflies, and there may be a relationship between genetic engineering and colony collapse in honeybees. GMO crops, including toxic Bt corn residues, have been shown to persist in soils and negatively impact soil ecosystems. Genetically modified rBST (recombinant bovine somatrotropin, injected to enhance a cow’s milk output) has documented negative impacts on the health and well being of dairy cattle, which is a direct contradiction to organic livestock requirements.
3. Control vs harmony.  Organic agriculture is based on the establishment of a harmonious relationship with the agricultural ecosystem by farming in harmony with nature. Genetic engineering is based on the exact opposite -- an attempt to control nature at its most intimate level - the genetic code, creating organisms that have never previously existed in nature."

I still support Organic GM seeds, may be it's not ready for mass market but it is still a untapped potential - it's much better than slaughter houses, poaching and human hunger mortality rate.

Yes, bad governance is the foremost problem in these poor countries but the truth is developing organic GM seeds is a piece of cake when compared to even attempting to fix bad governance.  

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