Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why True Friends Are Essential in Our Life?

I cannot even begin to stress the importance of friendship. We must understand and remember that true friends improve our lives. A friend is someone we are not related to by either birth, marriage or legal ties that bind us. It's something very precious and that's what makes it so beautiful (here and here).

Finding a close or best friend is a wonderful experience but one of the most difficult. A close friend that sticks closer than a brother or sister. They understand you better than most people and you have a mutual respect and camaraderie. People will come and go from your life but always be on the look-out for close friends because they add so much value to your life. Finding a best friend should always be a high priority in your life. Unfortunately, you can not time the event of meeting and having a best friend."

"One of the most satisfying experiences in life are close friends. While many people place money or career at the top of their priorities, it’s the relationship we build with others that gives life meaning.Career and money will have little meaning on your death bed. In the end, it’s the sum of all our memories and relationships that will really matter."

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