Friday, January 29, 2010

E. O. Wilson: Trailhead

There are writers who write beautiful science fiction, opening up the young minds for limitless possibilities. There are scientists who dedicate their lives taming an invisible energy to make our lives better. And then there is E.O Wilson. He changed the way I look at nature. He not only made me understand the beauty and importance of nature but helped me see the Biophilia lurking inside me. Thank you, Mr.Wilson.

If not for him, we would have never seen the wonder behind the amazing lives of Ants.  Here is beautiful story about the colony of Ants adapted from his first work of fiction Anthill: A Novel coming out in April 2010 (interview here).

In cemetery work and all other activities, the guiding principle of the Trailhead Colony was self-sacrifice. The dominance of the colony over its individual members was total. A worker’s life story was programmed to be subordinate to the superorganism’s needs. If a worker died, the colony was weakened to some measurable but relatively inconsequential extent; the deficit could be quickly made up by rearing another worker in the nursery. If, on the other hand, a worker behaved selfishly, consuming for a good part of her life more resources than she contributed, this weakened the colony far more than if she had the decency to desert or die.

The colony’s members had given up the chance to reproduce, at least as long as the Queen was alive and healthy. They willingly accepted tasks—foraging, soldiering—that would almost certainly lead to early death. The sick and the injured did not seek help; they moved on their own to the outermost nest chambers. Dying workers often left the nest completely, thereby avoiding the spread of infectious diseases. Older workers who were healthy but approaching the end of their natural life span also emigrated to the nest perimeter. From there, they often became foragers, exposing themselves to a much higher risk from enemies. When defending the nest, the elders were among the most suicidally aggressive. They were obedient to a simple truth that separates our two species: humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies."

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