Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Max, the brave one but with TOM

Theory of Mind (TOM) in dogs is a common phenomena to help us anthropomorphize them. I am not qualified to speculate on it except reflecting on what my somatic markers pronounce. Nevertheless, I can deduce to some extent that dogs are much better than humans at interpreting what's going on in other persons head. Theory of Mind has two routes, first one is self reflection and second one is capacity to capture what others think (may be dogs do it without reflecting on it but why bother reflecting if what they capture is already precise?).

Starting out on that premise, Max scans me much better than any airport full body scanner will ever do. His days and nights depends completely on my mood, so reading precisely even my occasional poker face and any subtle changes in my emotions helps his clairvoyance. All this makes evolutionary sense since dogs depends on humans for survival and there are no qualms about it. But lately started noticing something astonishing. Max has been learning or I should say replicating some of my innate survival instincts (well, so far one instinct).

We spend most of our time in the basement where Moore's Law helps us connect with the world. Thanks to winter, the time spent there has increased exponentially as well. Anyways, there is this door to the garage from the basement and sometimes when its not properly closed, it opens suddenly with a creepy sound. Being human et al, I usually get startled by the noise. Max never got startled but he would stop whatever he was doing and observes my reactions like a hawk. Now there has been an absolute turn around in his reaction, not only he gets startled but petrified he runs close to me. Having never seen him startled when inside the house, I can only infer he got fear from me (Mirror Neurons in work?). Since this got interesting and I don't get startled
anymore by that creepy noise. In fact, I look forward to watch the hilarious reaction from Max esp. when he is anxious swallows with that cutest gulppp mimicking Jerry (of Tom and Jerry). It's going to be interesting if one of these days Max can un-learn the fear since now that he sees me not startled anymore.

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