Sunday, January 19, 2020

10 Weeks & Already Drawn Towards Sisyphean Task's

Max was extremely... I mean extremely picky about choosing his toys.

And obviously, that resulted in many unused (and untouched) toys.

Now, Neo is living in the middle of a jackpot of unused Max's toys (Max's favorite and used toys are already in the memory capsule).

Neo is drawn to this HUGE dinosaur toy. I bought it for Max when he was around 3 or 4 years old, he sniffed it once and never touched it for over 10 years.

Now, this little guy loves this toy which is double his current size and weighs almost his current weight.

I think this is a small window into the future on how different this guy will be from Max.

And Garph watches this spectacle with astonishment :-)

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